The Importance of Timelines in Writing: How to Keep Your Story Straight
A timeline refers to the passage of time in a novel. Timelines are vital to the reader’s comprehension of a novel. The passage of time anchors the reader and keeps them fully engaged in the story as it unfolds. A lot of timeline issues stem from arbitrarily mentioning time passage in a way that serves the scene, but isn't consistent with the whole.
A Writer’s Glossary: What is Proofreading?
Proofreading is the final step, prior to publication, that checks for any remaining errors that may have been missed or introduced during earlier levels of editing. While developmental editing is the “macro” or big-picture editing, and copy editing is the “micro” or nitty-gritty editing, proofreading is a bit like squinting into a magnifying glass, looking for the tiny errors that were missed earlier.
A Writer’s Glossary: What is Copy Editing?
A Writer's Glossary: What is Developmental Editing?
Knowing what type of editing you need for your book can be confusing. But it’s vitally important to understand, particularly if you’re an indie author planning on hiring an editor(s) prior to self-publishing. Requesting the wrong type of editing at the wrong time can mean wasted time, money, and energy.
Realistic Goal-Setting for Writers
Learn to Trust Your Writing Process
Inevitably, I hear from clients that they’re dissatisfied with the way they plot (or don’t plot), or how much time they have available to write, or how slow they write. And because of this dissatisfaction, they spend much time and effort trying to “fix” their writing process. Unfortunately, this often leaves writers even more dissatisfied, because now they aren’t writing at all.